Ever Heard of Yumeiho?

Ever heard of Yumeiho?

Through my ashiatsu research over the years, I have frequently seen yumeiho listed as a relative to ashiatsu.   So, I set out to learn a little more about this practice.


“The main aim of the YUMEIHO® therapy is to correct the pelvic bones position and to set the vertebral column properly, and thus to mobilize the autotherapeutic forces of the organism and to reach the cause of pathological state.”   Source Link

There is a not a great deal of information available, but here are a few other things I learned:

I have seen that practice is most popular in Europe/Russia, although it originated in Japan.

I have not seen much for barefoot work in the videos, but the practitioner does use their whole body during the massage.  The recipient is clothed, on a floor mat, and put through a series of positions – much like a Thai massage session.

I see it listed sometimes as “yumeiho massage”, but I think something got lost in translation here. From videos I have seen and other information I have read, it involves a great deal of osseus (bone) manipulations, which I would think knocks it far out of the massage therapy scope of practice for any massage therapists in the US. It looks like a combination of a Thai massage and chiropractic adjustment on a floor mat.

Here is one video of a Yumeiho therapy:

So, while it appears the practice of yumeiho and ashiatsu are like that of third cousins twice removed, it is always nice to learn more about healing arts around the world.

Do you know of any Yumeiho practitioners in the US?

Alternative Ashiatsu Portable Bar Systems

I like having options.

I like giving other people options.

One thing I stress in my ashiatsu course, is that what works for me, may not work best for you.  The barefoot strokes can be adapted use with floor mats, stools, staffs, overhead bars, hip level bars, etc…

I have heard people over the years express some concern about having their hands up above their head all day if they practice ashiatsu.  While I have to say, with proper body mechanics, this is rarely an issue.

But again, today is about options.

A couple of weeks ago, I saw these non-overhead bars*** Ashi-Fusion bars posted on Facebook.

***Update – I know this link does not work and I have contacted the owner of the site asking if they are still available. I have not received a response. If you find any portable bar systems, please share below. Thanks!

Installing Ashiatsu Bars – What you should know before training.

DSC_0170Are you thinking about taking an ashiatsu course, but have some questions about the overhead bar installation in your office?

For most practitioners, a permanent set of ashiatsu barefoot bars is the best option for the safety of you and your client, and the most cost effective bar solution. They are not really permanent.  They are removable-but not portable.

What is the purpose of ashiatsu bars?

The ashiatsu bars are used primarily for your balance and support.  They allow the massage professional to provide consistent, fluid pressure during the massage.  You can also use them to pull up on to take your weight off your client. You can use them to push your body weight down in the event your client wants more pressure.

All ashiatsu bars are not created equally.

In order for the bars to be installed safely and to maximize the reduced stress on your body, adding ashiatsu bars to your office requires a little bit of planning.

Ashiatsu bars are not a “one size fits all” installation.  For your benefit, ashiatsu bars should be built to suit your body.  Proper height and width of the bars will help ensure proper body mechanics.  Measurements for your ashiatsu bars, and the type of bar installation required, are based on a few factors:

  • Your height
  • Your shoulder width
  • Your room size
    • A small room is actually a plus in the event you do not have access to ceiling support structures.
  • Your massage table
    • Do you have a hydraulic, portable, or stationary table?
    • Do you have the ability to adjust the table easily if you use other modalities?
  • Ceiling type / Access to ceiling supports.
    • Drop ceilings, low basement ceilings, eight or nine foot ceilings, cathedral, or loft ceilings are factors in the height and difficulty of the installation of your ashiatsu bars.
  • Room situation
    • Do you rent? Will your landlord be okay with 8-10 very small patchable holes, or a few more if a loft style bar set-up is necessary?
    • Do you share an office with another ashiatsu practitioner?
    • You may need to be a little creative depending on your room situation.

Is this a DIY project?

I have installed all three of my bar sets with the help and guidance of my constructionally-inclined family.  Each set took me, with some help, a day to complete.  If I did not know how to do it, I definitely had family members who I could have enlisted for this project.  For those without construction knowledge, or someone who knows their way around a drill and saw, then I would most definitely hire someone to complete this project for you.

There are dozens of ways to install ashiatsu bars. Which ever way you build your bars, do it safely! You and your client’s safety is dependent on your bars being installed safely and correctly!

What is the cost of installing ashiatsu bars?

For a DIY person that needs a standard set of bars installed (no tricky ceiling/room situations), a bar set up should be $50-$100.  If you hire someone to complete this job for you, you should expect to pay a few hundred dollars.

Soon, you could be learning at home while your ashiatsu bars are being built.

Now that you have starting thinking about the possibility of adding ashiatsu bars to your office, it is time for the next step – ashiatsu barefoot massage training.   My home study ashiatsu barefoot massage course includes a detailed bar installation guide within the eBook to help you on your journey to the hardware store to buy all the supplies you will need to hang your ashiatsu bars up and ready for practicing on willing volunteers (family, friends, or colleagues) and eventually your clients.

Click here to start learning more about the powerful benefits of ashiatsu for you and your clients.


P.S.  If you have questions about bars, your room situation, or anything else ashiatsu related, Email me at : ivy@advancedmassagetechniques.com


The Rossiter System

When I made the list of other barefoot massage resources, I failed to include one resource: Richard Rossiter’s – The Rossiter System. This is a two person connective tissue stretching system that uses some barefoot techniques to get people out of pain quickly!

Their website contains A LOT of information; too much to share in one blog post.  When you visit the website, it may take you a while to become familiar with all of the terms like Rossiter Workout, PIC (Person in Charge), or Rossiter Coach.

Here are a few highlights from his website that can help you learn more about The Rossiter System:

http://www.therossitersystem.com/downloads/MassageTherapists.pdf (Rossiter for Massage Therapits)

http://www.therossitersystem.com/downloads/OHAMTAPart1.pdf (Ohio AMTA)

http://www.therossitersystem.com/downloads/RossiterSystem_JJ.pdf  (Massage & Bodywork Magazine)

Any Massage Therapist/ Rossiter Coaches out there willing to talk about how this system and how it has affected their practice? Anyone thinking about this training?

Does Ashiatsu Use Light or Deep Pressure?

A common myth with clients, and perpetuated by some practitioners, is that ashiatsu is only for deep-pressure-loving clients. Not so. Yes, ashiatsu is typically pure bliss for those clients who cannot seem to get enough pressure from a typical massage. However, ashiatsu strokes can range anywhere from light to deep.

A light pressure ashiatsu massage requires more restraint from the massage practitioner. The therapist must use less of their body weight when leaning in to a stroke. It becomes less of a gravity-assisted massage. For these reasons, giving a light pressure ashiatsu massage can be more tiring than a deeper ashiatsu massage, from a practitioner’s perspective.

People who enjoy lighter pressure will appreciate the broad, consistent light strokes from head to toe and the different directional application of massage strokes. Also, the surface area of the heel is larger than the thumb, and people who like lighter pressure will notice less pain than the pressure applied from the thumb. For these clients, ashiatsu can be a great, therapeutic experience!

If you are having problems getting clients to try an ashiatsu massage, maybe they assume that this massage is only for those who enjoy deep, firm pressure. Make sure you educate your clients that ashiatsu is much more than just a deep massage.

A Little More About Me…

I have had people ask me a few questions…

• Where and how did you learn ashiatsu?
• What type of people did you work with in your practice?
• Why another ashiatsu course?

I hope this post answers a few questions for you.

In my twelve years as a massage therapist, I have taken both live and home study ashiatsu courses from various instructors. I enjoyed taking both seminar and home study courses. Each has advantages and disadvantages.

The seminars I have taken have been primarily at local massage schools. I have taken both beginner and advanced courses. I have also studied a few other barefoot techniques, but ashiatsu has remained my focus and passion.

Seminars allowed me to visit with colleagues, learn new techniques, get feedback from a few strangers, travel, and share some of my techniques and experiences with colleagues.

Home study courses allowed me to take my time; to review videos over and over again, to learn and absorb a little each day instead of being overwhelmed with new information. I was able to work with/on friends, family and colleagues that I could trust to give me honest feedback. [Read more…]

Ashiatsu Barefoot Massage Videos

I posted a couple videos last week for my ashiatsu course on YouTube.   I really enjoyed making them, and look forward to making a few more videos for YouTube. I will also be adding a few videos the ‘Marketing Resources’ section for those who take the ashiatsu course, and posting a few videos here that will be available to all barefoot practitioners.